Understanding DLT and Its Importance in Telecom: A Comprehensive Guide

What Does DLT Stand For?

DLT stands for "Distributed Ledger Technology." This technology involves a decentralized digital system that records and manages sender IDs, message templates, and other critical information. Unlike traditional centralized databases, DLT operates across multiple locations, providing enhanced security, transparency, and resistance to unauthorized changes.

What is the Meaning of DLT Registration?

DLT registration is the process by which businesses, known as principal entities, register their sender IDs, message templates, and other necessary information on a DLT platform. This step is mandatory for businesses in many countries, including India, to ensure compliance with telecom regulations. DLT registration helps authenticate and verify SMS communications, reducing the risk of spam and fraudulent activities.



History of DLT

The implementation of DLT in India's telecom sector has a notable history, primarily driven by the need to curb spam and fraudulent SMS activities. Here’s a brief timeline of the key events:

  • October 2018: TRAI conceives the idea of using DLT to address spam SMS issues.
  • February 2019: A pilot project is initiated to test DLT’s effectiveness.
  • March 2020: The pilot project concludes successfully, demonstrating DLT’s potential.
  • May 2020: TRAI mandates the registration of headers and templates for SMS marketing campaigns.
  • November 2020: SMS marketers are required to include their Principal Entity (PE) ID in the message payload.
  • February 2021: Including the DLT Template ID in each SMS becomes mandatory.
  • January 2022: DLT registration becomes compulsory for all SMS marketers in India.
  • March 2023: TRAI adjusts the rules, limiting variables in content templates.

How Does DLT Work?

DLT functions as a decentralized ledger that records and verifies transactions across multiple network locations. Each transaction or change must be agreed upon by all parties involved, ensuring data integrity and security. This distributed nature makes it challenging for unauthorized changes to occur, as they would need to be validated by multiple nodes in the network.

How Does DLT Work in Telecom?

In the telecom sector, DLT is used to regulate and manage SMS and voice communication. By requiring businesses to register on a DLT platform, it ensures that only authorized entities can send messages. The DLT ledger records all transactions, providing transparency and traceability, which helps reduce spam and fraud.

What is the Purpose of DLT?

The primary purpose of DLT is to regulate and manage communication flows, such as SMS and voice calls, to minimize spam, fraudulent activities, and unsolicited messages. DLT creates a transparent, decentralized system where telecom operators, businesses, and regulatory authorities collaborate to ensure a trustworthy communication environment.

DLT Glossary and Terms

Understanding DLT involves familiarizing yourself with key terms:

  • Principal Entity: An organization or business that sends SMS to end consumers. Must register on the DLT platform.
  • End Customer: The recipient of the SMS who can set preferences and consent to receive messages.
  • Service Provider: Bulk SMS providers who enable businesses to send SMS to their audience. Must also register on the DLT platform.
  • Telecom Operators: Also known as access providers, they are connected to TRAI and help in the regulation process.
  • Regulator: TRAI, which sets and audits regulatory compliance to protect customers and prevent fraud.

How to Register on DLT- DLT Registration Process

The DLT registration process involves three main process :

  1. Entity Registration: Businesses must register with a verified telecom operator. Required documents include Business PAN, GST certificate, and company registration proof.
  2. Sender ID Registration: After entity registration, businesses create and register their sender IDs.
  3. Template Registration: Businesses submit their SMS templates for approval. Only approved templates can be used for sending messages.

Want our DLT experts to hold your hands and help you through the DLT registration process? Contact us now!

Step-by-Step Guide for DLT Registration

To help you navigate the DLT registration process, here’s a step-by-step guide:

1: Entity Registration

  1. Prepare Required Documents: Gather your Business PAN, GST certificate, and company registration proof.
  2. Choose a Telecom Operator: Select a verified operator like Airtel, BSNL, Vodafone, or Jio.
  3. Submit Details: Provide your business details and required documents to the chosen operator.

 2: Sender ID Registration

  1. Create Sender ID: Develop a unique sender ID for your SMS campaigns.
  2. Register Sender ID: Submit the sender ID to the DLT platform for approval.

 3: Template Registration

  1. Create SMS Templates: Develop the message templates you plan to use.
  2. Submit for Approval: Send your templates to the telecom operator for review and approval.
  3. Use Approved Templates: Only use templates that have been approved by the DLT platform.

What are the DLT Registration Sites?

Several DLT registration sites are available, including:

  • Vilpower
  • Smartping
  • Airtel
  • Tata Tele Services
  • Jio

Ensure you select a platform that meets your business needs and check if the registration process is free or paid.



What are the Charges for DLT Registration?

The charges for DLT registration include:

  • Entity/Enterprise Registration: 5000 INR + 900 INR GST.
  • Telemarketer Registration: 50,000 INR + 900 INR GST.

These fees may vary, so it’s essential to verify the current charges with your chosen platform.

SMS Country Telemarketer Registration ID

When registering with a DLT platform, you may need to provide a telemarketer registration ID. SMSCountry’s ID is 140200000033. You can select SMSCountry as your telemarketing service provider on any DLT portal to facilitate the registration process.

SMS Regulations Before and After DLT

Aspect Before DLT After DLT
DND Checks Only DND numbers were checked. Messages blocked if parameters are missing.
Header Registration Not mandatory. Mandatory.
Telemarketer Registration Not required. Required, with AI detecting unwanted SMS.
Message Types Only promotional and transactional. Expanded to include promotional, service implicit, service explicit, and transactional.
Customer Consent Not mandatory. Mandatory for promotional SMS.


Register Yourself for Success

By following the DLT registration process, businesses can build trust with their audience, ensure compliance with regulations, and enhance their SMS marketing efforts. Proper registration and adherence to DLT guidelines help protect consumer privacy and reduce spam, ultimately fostering a more secure and efficient communication environment.

FAQs About DLT and Its Role in Telecom

1. What is the purpose of DLT registration for businesses?

Answer: DLT registration is mandatory for businesses to ensure compliance with telecom regulations set by TRAI. The primary purpose is to authenticate and verify SMS communications, reducing the risk of spam and fraudulent activities. This process helps protect consumer privacy and ensures that only authorized entities can send SMS messages.

2. How does DLT improve the security and transparency of SMS communications?

Answer: DLT operates as a decentralized ledger, recording and verifying all transactions across multiple network locations. This decentralized nature ensures that no single entity has control over the data, enhancing security and transparency. Unauthorized changes are challenging to implement because they require validation from multiple nodes in the network, making DLT an effective tool against fraud and spam.

3. What documents are required for DLT entity registration?

Answer: To register your business as a principal entity on a DLT platform, you need the following documents:

  • Business PAN (Permanent Account Number)
  • GST certificate
  • Company registration certificate or any other valid identity or address proof These documents ensure that the business is legitimate and authorized to send SMS messages.

4. What are the typical charges for DLT registration?

Answer: The charges for DLT registration typically include:

  • Entity/Enterprise Registration: 5000 INR + 900 INR GST.
  • Telemarketer Registration: 50,000 INR + 900 INR GST. These fees may vary, so it is essential to check the current charges with your chosen DLT platform before proceeding with the registration.


DLT, or Distributed Ledger Technology, is revolutionizing the telecom industry in India by providing a secure and transparent system for managing SMS communications. The mandatory DLT registration process, driven by TRAI's regulations, ensures that businesses comply with strict guidelines to protect consumers from spam and fraudulent activities. By understanding and adhering to DLT processes and requirements, businesses can enhance their communication strategies, build trust with their audience, and ensure their SMS marketing campaigns are effective and compliant.

For businesses seeking assistance with DLT registration or any related queries, contacting Redn Technologies can provide the support and guidance needed to ensure smooth and successful compliance with TRAI's regulations. Redn Technologies offers expertise and solutions to help you effectively navigate the complexities of DLT registration and enhance your SMS communication strategies.

Contact Redn Technologies for expert assistance and ensure your business stays ahead in the regulated telecom landscape.